Ch Wanalancet's Baldy of Alyeska, one of the lesser known prolific dogs in the breed. Baldy is described as a tall, handsome blue-eyed sled-dog. A true testament to the breed. Born in 1940, he was the great- grandson of Kreevanka, on ne of the last imports from Siberia. Baldy was a nicely proportioned male that went on to become the first Siberian to win the Working Group in 1941. He also became the foundation stud for Earl and Natalie Norris' famed Alaskan Kennels. From that stock the Norris' produced the first Best In Show Ch Alaskan's Bonzo of Anadyr, CD in 1955.
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August 2023
CategoriesAuthorMy passion for the Siberian Husky began early in my Montana childhood. The journey has been enlightening so far, with much learned and even more to discover. I hold the conviction that one is never too old, too seasoned, or too self-assured to learn something new. Moreover, I consider knowledge to be of no value unless it is shared with others. |